Looking for work at Woodruffs?

Our job roles at Woodruffs are typically:

Barista/counter staff – serving customers and making sure they have the best possible experience. Making top-notch coffee.

Kitchen porter – helping keep everything running with washing up and keeping the kitchen clean.

Chefs/cooks – Making breakfasts, lunches and cakes.

We advertise jobs on indeed.com and mention them on social media. If nothing is available at the moment, please feel free to email us and we will keep your details and let you know if something suitable comes up. Make sure you specify in your email things like which type of job you are interested in, whether you’re looking for part time or full time, and your CV.

What does the perfect person look like?

Barista/counter: makes customers feel like you’re best friends, whilst not being overbearing to customers who don’t want to chat. Talks positively and knowledgeably about the drinks and food available. Listens properly to what customers ask for so the customer does not have to repeat themselves. Deals tactfully with rude customers and handles complaints well. Makes sure customers are cared for during their entire visit, such as ensuring they have everything they need, checking on them, seeing if their dog would like water, thanking them when they leave. Clears tables ASAP and remembers to check underneath. Cleans tables properly. Keeps an eye on toilets. Notices little details like a wonky picture frame or a plant that needs watering or a wobbly table. Always looking for what needs doing next. Checks what today’s soup is. Keeps fridge, teas, disposable cups etc. stocked up and notifies if stock is low. Is tidy. Turns up on time and is rarely ill. Helps kitchen porter when possible. Understands the brand/ethos of the café. Makes sure food and drink is presented nicely (e.g. no coffee down the side of a cup). Last but definitely not least: takes enormous pride in making excellent coffee and other drinks, always wants to make them better and won’t send out substandard drinks.

Kitchen porter (KP): washes up fast yet accurately. Understands what a clean glass looks like (i.e. shiny and see-through, not all smeary). Notices dirt and does something about it. Ensures all closing checks are done. Helps make smoothies and deliver food. Is as friendly and helpful to customers as barista/counter staff. Helps counter staff when possible. Deals with laundry without prompts. Understands the brand/ethos of the café.

Chef/cook: takes pride in using quality ingredients, preparing them well and consistently (e.g. cutting root veg in equal sizes so it roasts at the same speed), and presenting them well and consistently (e.g. lunch on a plate or decorating a cake). Always thinking how to be better next time. Fast. Cleans and tidies throughout. Does opening checks including fridge temperatures. Understands allergens and all other food hygiene requirements. Keeps track of counter cake display and tops up. Keeps calm when busy and ensures counter staff are informed if a menu item runs out. Puts away stock deliveries. Is as friendly and helpful to customers as barista/counter staff. Works with other staff in the kitchen as a team. Helps out the KP when needed. Understands the brand/ethos of the café.
Head chef: as above plus: minimises waste. Keeps costs under control and makes sure all dishes are costed. Leads a team who communicate well and work together rather than against each other. Helps with recruitment. Deals with any issues. Orders stock. Works with owner to develop new dishes. Enthusiastic about food. Keeps an eye on trends and on the competition. Tries to use seasonal food.

Some job application tips

Whenever we advertise for a job, we normally receive a double-digit number of applications. The tips below should be obvious but happen time and time again. Avoid making these mistakes and you’ll already be in the top half of applicants!

• If the job says you must work particular days/hours and you apply saying you can only work on other days, it suggests you haven’t read the advert, and might be equally unobservant at say noticing dirt on customer tables.

• We don’t expect people in these types of jobs to be experts at the English language but do try and make an effort. If you haven’t bothered to spell check and read what you have written to check for mistakes, it suggests you won’t notice various things at work either.

• If your past work experience doesn’t have much in common with the advertised job, or perhaps you were doing something on a very different pay scale, include a covering note explaining why you are interested in this job. Otherwise it looks like you are just applying for every single job you find without actually reading the job description.

• The job normally mentions particular skills. We often receive CVs or covering letters giving no evidence of those skills and so have no idea if you’d be suited to the job.

• If there is some sort of online quiz/test to do, actually do it. Only about half the applicants complete them, which just comes across as lazy or unable to follow instructions – making us wonder if that’s how you’ll be in the job.

• If contacted, actually reply. It’s amazing how many people don’t do this, which just comes across as rude and we probably won’t consider you for any future job you apply for.

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